. . .
"Why should I retain a definite form
and feature?
Why not avoid the danger of a
personality that is ever the same?
My actions will serve to identify me."
. . .

For almost a decade, a small and quiet business
has run in Ishgard. Skilled in glamours and
mimicry, an anonymous outsider began aiding
heretic spies, taking their place in their daily
lives to distract from suspicious absences.
With the Dragonsong War ended, he continues
to operate as much in secret, offering a perfect
alibi, a freedom from obligation, or any other
benefit one may find in having an identical
double. Rumor has it if you mention the right
words to a certain Jeweled Crozier vendor,
you'll find curious instructions on your receipt.

Meeting him as a client? You're more like than
not to find yourself staring at your own face. As
a means of insurance, first-time clients are
required to have their face copied onto a mask
before they can meet the devil himself. He
wears his clients' own faces throughout their
meeting to protect his identity, as well as gently
remind them what he is capable of if they
attempt to rat him out. Both his safety and that
of his clients are contingent on trust; so long as
you doesn't break his, he will never break

For a person as guarded and careful as he is,
with so much to lose, and an entire lifestyle
that hinges on hiding the fact of his own
existence, you would expect the dastard
behind the mask to curate a very unassuming
persona. A person who draws no attention, and
blends seamlessly into the background of
Unfortunately, Michel is a dumbass.